Valentine's day actually snuck up on me this year. It seems that commercially fabricated holidays designed to increase the sale of Candy, Cards, Flowers and assorted Red Junk are not that popular in SE Asia. Back in Canada, I'm sure the last month has been a red blur of candy coated heart shaped advertising.
Last Valentines day I had just landed in Aus. Romance was in the air at my hostel where groups of backpackers went off to dinner, only to return 6 hours later, drunk and horny. The Valentines day before that I got into a fight with the girl I was dating while were were away for the weekend and we broke up. Happy days.
I was really made aware of Valentine's day a moment ago. I gave my friend's 3 year old a red marker and some post it notes to occupy her while I tried to work. She immediately drew misshapen red circle and handed it to me proclaiming, with a strong Laos accent, that she loved me. Our editor then announced "Aw, It's Valentine's day!"
I looked down at this happy little girl holding up a day glow yellow post-it, proudly emblazoned with a home made heart and said
"You're not my type, I think we should just be friends, now please leave me alone so I can get some work done" She stuck it on my arm anyway and toddled off blissfully unaware of how badly she'd just gotten dissed.
I love holidays!

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