
Friday, February 4, 2011

I'm on a Bus watching Cambodian movies

I'm on a bus to Phnom Penh. They've got some Cambodian flick porting where the star is some kid about 10 in a kanga hat wearing little John Lennon styled glasses. He apparently has the super power of never shutting the fuck up in a high pitched staccato voice and not being smacked upside the head. Cinema in SE Asia is incredibly campy. He's made friends with a young monk/ninja girl who breakdances. Where the hell are my headphones at?

On the last bus they showed The Green Hornet. I'm not even sure that's hit theatres yet. It must have, but still... DVD quality, perfect sound, not some cheap "sitting in the back of the theater with a handy cam" job. I didn't watch it, but now I see that I should take advantage of such opportunities.

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