Everyone has a horror story of crying babies on a plane. Mine is no different...except that, this particular little bundle of mucus and joy, is crying in French. Normally when a baby starts in on the screaming you can mutter under your breath, toward the parent who seems perfectly content to allow their spawn to ruin my attempt at catching up on sleep, something like "Oh, for God's sake, just give him/her/it the damn bottle/toy/sedative."
HOWever, when your cabin mate/is screaming
en francais, its more difficult to determine what the tadpole is screaming for. It makes muttering specifics under your breath more difficult. Always the optimist, and innovator, I stuck to stereotypes and muttered something about giving the little imp a bottle of wine and perhaps some deoderant.

Vivre la France!!! And viva las vegas...landing soon. Can't wait to drink and gamble at the airport!!
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